Credit: Science (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110295
A new study from the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) reveals how early lifestyle changes can have long-term impacts. An intervention in diet and physical activity in childhood and adolescence was found to profoundly affect metabolism even years later.
The Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) study is the first lifestyle intervention study using advanced liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) metabolomics technology to analyze molecular mechanisms underlying the health effects of lifestyle changes from childhood to adolescence.
Analyzing blood samplesthe researchers were able to identify changes in 80 metabolites. “These were metabolites associated with critical processes for the development of cardiometabolic diseases, such as lipid metabolisminflammation and gut health,” says postdoctoral researcher Iman Zarei. The study is published IN Science.
What makes the findings particularly important is that 17 of these metabolites remained altered after eight years, although the most intensive part of the lifestyle intervention only lasted for the first two years. This suggests that one early intervention it can have not only immediate benefits but also longer lasting health effects.
Some of the most notable changes were in fatty amides, molecules involved in a variety of physiological functions such as inflammation, weight control, eating behavior, sleep induction, pain and anxiety control, angiogenesis, artery dilation, and neuroprotection. Such changes may be associated with a lower risk of certain chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
“Our research provides compelling evidence that early and sustainable lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on a child’s health trajectory,” says Professor Timo Lakka, lead researcher of the study. He emphasizes the importance of starting healthy habits early, emphasizing that these changes can prevent the emergence of chronic diseases that often begin to develop in childhood or even during the fetal period.
The study is one of the first to show how beneficial dietary changes are physical activity in childhood it can affect the body’s metabolism even in the long term.
The PANIC study is part of the Metabolic Disease Research Community at UEF and is dedicated to the investigation of major cardiometabolic diseases. Using genetics, genomics, translational research and lifestyle interventions, the community aims to provide strong evidence on DISEASES mechanisms and advance early diagnosis, prevention and personalized treatment. The research community consists of 20 research groups, spanning basic research to patient care.
More information:
Iman Zarei et al, Eight-year diet and physical activity intervention affects serum metabolites during childhood and adolescence: A non-randomized controlled trial, Science (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110295
Provided by
University of Eastern Finland
citation: Lifestyle intervention from childhood to adolescence affects metabolism years later, study finds (2024, September 12) Retrieved September 12, 2024 from intervention-childhood-adolescence-affects. html
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